Social Work Services

UCNJ is committed to assisting students in accessing resources that meet their basic needs.

Any student who has difficulty securing enough food to eat and/or lacks safe and stable housing is urged to contact UCNJ’s Social Worker for support and guidance in becoming connected to resources.


Contact Us – Campus Social Workers

The Social Workers are here to provide additional support to UCNJ students.  They can make referral to resources on or off campus based on your needs.  If you would like to share a concern with the Social Workers, either about yourself or another member of the UCNJ community submit our online referral form.  After the form is received, a Social Worker will reach out to the student in need of additional support.  All meetings are private.

Contact Information

Chat or Schedule Meeting: View Availability
Phone: 908-709-7139
Cranford Office: McDonald Hall Suite A-135
Elizabeth Office: Kellogg 109
Plainfield Office: Logos Building Room LG10


Contact Tiffany Douglas, MSW

Heather M Petracco

Nicole E Alzate

Referral Form

Care Team Referral Form


Community Support Referrals

  • Emotional Support

    Emotional Support

    • Caring Contact: 908-232-2880 or text heart to 741-741
    • Family Helpline: 1-800-TheKids (843-543) (24hours)
    • Veteran Peer Support: 1- 877-500-WARM (12:30pm- 9:00pm, everyday)
  • NJ 21

    NJ 21

    NJ 211 has a database of 10,000 Programs and services to assist with basic needs, substance use disorder, mental health, domestic violence, health care, legal matters, and transportation and so much more. (Dial 211 from your mobile device to access this service)

  • UCNJ Action Line

    UCNJ Action Line

    The Action Line is one of the many programs run by the UCNJ Department of Human Services. Bi-lingual (Spanish Speaking) staff is available to explain and make referrals to programs and services that cover things such as basic needs, homeless prevention, mental health, substance abuse, Job training and employment. This service can be used Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm via phone and email:

  • Social Recovery Center

    Social Recovery Center

    Social Recovery Center is a provider of substance abuse and mental health services in New Jersey. Our team offers its expertise and support to individuals who are having difficulty managing their substance use and mental health. We understand that apart from the overwhelming toll these issues take on your wellbeing, they can also affect your productivity, relationships and livelihood. That’s why we deliver person-centered services, using evidence-based strategies that will help you manage the symptoms of your condition, so you can live your life to the fullest.

    Services Include: Individual Counseling; Group Counseling; Co-Occurring; Psycho-Education; Psychiatric Evaluation; Telehealth Services; Medication Monitoring; Learn More at


NJ State Benefits: SNAP and Child Care